Getting started with AMPEL
- Make sure you have poetry installed. If not, see the install instructions
- Create a new conda environment with python 3.10+, then activate it.
conda create --name ampel_env python=3.10
conda activate ampel_env
- In this environment, run each of these lines:
git clone
cd Ampel-HU-astro/
poetry install -E "ztf sncosmo extcats notebook"
poetry run ampel config build -out ampel_conf.yaml >& ampel_conf.log
Getting started:
- AMPEL assumes a local MongoDB instance running with default connections. Install instructions
for MongoDB can be found
- It can be useful to have a desktop graphical user interface for your MongoDB, such as
Studio 3T.
- Using AMPEL means creating a channel for a specific science goal, which comes down to generating
job file (.yml) with the desired units and configuring them.
To add new units to AMPEL for your analysis:
- Add your script locally to your install of
- Register the script under
in the format
you'll find
- Rebuild ampel:
cd Ampel-HU-astro
poetry run ampel config build -out ampel_conf.yaml >& ampel_conf.log