#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File: Ampel-core/ampel/core/AmpelContext.py
# License: BSD-3-Clause
# Author: valery brinnel <firstname.lastname@gmail.com>
# Date: 18.02.2020
# Last Modified Date: 09.01.2022
# Last Modified By: valery brinnel <firstname.lastname@gmail.com>
from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections.abc import Iterable
from ampel.config.AmpelConfig import AmpelConfig
from ampel.base.AuxUnitRegister import AuxUnitRegister
from ampel.secret.AmpelVault import AmpelVault
from ampel.secret.AESecretProvider import AESecretProvider
from ampel.config.builder.DisplayOptions import DisplayOptions
# Avoid cyclic import issues
from ampel.core.AmpelDB import AmpelDB
from ampel.core.UnitLoader import UnitLoader # noqa
class AmpelContext:
This class is typically instantiated by Ampel controllers
and provided to "processor unit" instances.
Note: this class might in the future be capable
of handling multiple AmpelConfig/AmpelDB instances
def __init__(self,
config: AmpelConfig,
db: 'AmpelDB',
loader: 'UnitLoader', # forward reference to avoid cyclic import issues
resource: None | dict[str, Any] = None,
admin_msg: None | str = None
) -> None:
:param config: system configuration
:param db: database client
:param loader: instantiates unit from :class:`~ampel.model.UnitModel.UnitModel`
self.config = config
self.db = db
self.loader = loader
self.admin_msg = admin_msg
self.resource = resource
self.run_time_aliases: dict[str, Any] = {}
# try to register aux units globally
except Exception:
print("UnitLoader auxiliary units auto-registration failed")
def load(cls,
config: str | dict,
pwd_file_path: None | str = None,
pwds: None | Iterable[str] = None,
freeze_config: bool = True,
vault: None | AmpelVault = None,
one_db: bool = False,
) -> 'AmpelContext':
Instantiates a new AmpelContext instance.
:param config: local path to an ampel config file (yaml or json) or loaded config as dict
:param pwd_file_path: path to a text file containing one password per line.
The underlying AmpelVault will be initialized with an AESecretProvider configured with these pwds.
:param pwds: Same as 'pwd_file_path' except a list of passwords is provided directly via this parameter.
:param freeze_config:
whether to convert the elements contained of ampel config
into immutable structures (:class:`dict` ->
:class:`~ampel.view.ReadOnlyDict.ReadOnlyDict`, :class:`list` -> :class:`tuple`).
Parameter does only apply if the config is loaded by this method, i.e if parameter 'config' is a str.
# Avoid cyclic import issues
from ampel.core.UnitLoader import UnitLoader # noqa
from ampel.core.AmpelDB import AmpelDB
alconf = AmpelConfig(config) if isinstance(config, dict) else AmpelConfig.load(config)
if vault is None:
vault = AmpelVault([])
if pwds:
elif pwd_file_path:
with open(pwd_file_path, "r") as f:
AESecretProvider([l.strip() for l in f.readlines()])
db = AmpelDB.new(alconf, vault, one_db=one_db)
return cls(
config = alconf,
db = db,
loader = UnitLoader(config=alconf, db=db, vault=vault),
def build(cls,
ignore_errors: bool = False,
pwd_file_path: None | str = None,
pwds: None | Iterable[str] = None,
freeze_config: bool = True,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> 'AmpelContext':
Instantiates a new AmpelContext instance.
The required underlying ampel configuration (:class:`~ampel.config.AmpelConfig.AmpelConfig`) is built from scratch,
meaning all available configurations defined in the various ampel repositories available locally
are collected, merged merged together and morphed the info into the final ampel config.
This is a convenience method, do not use for production
if pwd_file_path:
with open(pwd_file_path, "r") as f:
pwds = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
# Import here to avoid cyclic import error
from ampel.config.builder.DistConfigBuilder import DistConfigBuilder
cb = DistConfigBuilder(options=DisplayOptions(verbose=verbose))
return cls.load(
cb.build_config(ignore_errors, pwds=pwds),
def new_run_id(self) -> int:
Return an identifier that can be used to associate log entries from a
single process invocation. This ID is unique and monotonicaly increasing.
return self.db \
.get_collection('counter') \
{'_id': 'current_run_id'},
{'$inc': {'value': 1}},
new=True, upsert=True
) \
def get_config(self) -> AmpelConfig:
.. note:: in the future, AmpelContext might hold references to multiple different config
return self.config
def get_database(self) -> 'AmpelDB':
.. note:: in the future, this class might hold references to multiple different databases
return self.db
def resolve_conf_id(self, conf_id: int) -> None | dict[str, Any]:
return self.config.get_conf_id(conf_id)
# confid not found (obsolete or dynamically generated by process)
except Exception:
l = list(self.db.col_conf_ids.find({"_id": conf_id}))
if len(l) == 0:
return None
del l[0]['_id']
return l[0]
def add_conf_id(self, conf_id: int, unit_config: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
self.db.add_conf_id(conf_id, unit_config)
dict.__setitem__(self.config._config["confid"], conf_id, unit_config)
def add_run_time_alias(self, key: str, value: Any, overwrite: bool = False) -> None:
if not isinstance(key, str) or key[0] != '%' != key[1]:
raise ValueError('Run time aliases must begin with %%')
if key in self.run_time_aliases and not overwrite:
raise ValueError(f"Run time alias {key} already defined, set overwrite=True to ignore")
self.run_time_aliases[key] = value
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<AmpelContext>"
def deactivate_processes(self) -> None:
for i in range(4):
for p in self.config.get(f'process.t{i}', dict, raise_exc=True).values():
p['active'] = False
def activate_process(self,
name: str,
tier: None | Literal[0, 1, 2, 3] = None
) -> bool:
:returns: False if process was deactivated, True if not found
for i in range(4):
if tier and i != tier:
if p := self.config.get(f'process.t{i}.{name}', dict):
p['active'] = False
return False
return True